Free to schools in Nottingham! A Party in the Rainforest!

A boost for children’s wellbeing in September…

With the arrival of Covid-19 in March 2020, we were forced to cancel and look to reschedule our musical tour of schools in Nottingham. Our Arts Council England funded play, A Party in the Rainforest is now available for schools to book.

Our exciting production, aimed at young learners (F1 & F2) follows a simple engaging storyline and is full of opportunities to drum, sing and move around creatively.

In order to comply with governmental health and safety guidelines, we will be offering several versions of the play. Schools are invited to liaise with us on group sizes and how many groups we’d need to include in a day. We have a shorter version of our production should any schools need several shorter performances.

To enquire into a school visit between September 2020 and April 2021, please do get in touch through our Contact page, or contact Jude via Whattsapp on 07768789668.